Where to find Wiglett and Wugtrio

June 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Wiglett is one of the few Pocket Monsters from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet that were shown before launch. Game Freak featured the quirky-looking Garden Eel Pokemon in its own short clip where characters considered if it was merely a regional form of the well-known Diglett.

Now that the games are finally here, players will want to capture Wiglett and evolve it into Wugtrio.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have introduced a plethora of critters, amounting up to 400 entries in their Pokedex. Be it old faces or new ones, there is plenty of capturing to be done for players who aim to "catch 'em all." Much like Mega Evolution and Dynamax, these titles have their own unique gimmick as well, known as the Terastal phenomenon.

So where can we find these wiggling pocket monsters in the great wilderness of the new Paldea region?

In search of Wiglett in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Wiglett sports a white elongated body that sticks out of the ground, with its facial features bearing a striking resemblance to Diglett. Although considered to be a regional form of the latter, the Pokemon is rather likely an example of divergent evolution, where it is a separate species with its own unique habitat.

Where Diglett is Ground-type, Wiglett is a Water-type instead. Another example of this in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is Toedscool, which physically resembles Tentacool but is a different species boasting a different type.

The Pokedex entries for Wiglett mention that it can recognize the scent of a Veluza from over 65 feet away and will nestle itself underneath the sand. Players should not rush these Pokemon or they will hide in the ground.

In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, players can encounter Wiglett on the beaches of the following areas: Port Marinada, South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Six), and East Province (Area Two). The critter perfectly suits the need for a Water-type Pokemon in players' parties early on if they picked the Fire-type or Grass-type starter.

In search of Wugtrio in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Wugtrio, the evolved form of Wiglett, is reportedly the only Pokemon that knows the move Triple Dive. Similar to its earlier form, the critter can also be found on beaches, but its spawn locations are different.

Players can encounter Wugtrio on the beaches in East Province (Area Two), North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Three), and Port Marinada. They will also hide when spotted, so gamers should be careful and crouch while approaching them.

For players who want to evolve their own Wiglett to its next form, they need not fret about searching for Wugtrio in the wild. While Pokemon Scarlet and Violet exhibit various Pocket Monsters that have a special criteria for evolution, Wiglett has no such needs. They only need to push it to level 26 and the Garden Eel Pokemon will evolve into Wugtrio.

Wiglett's existence and its unique relationship with Diglett were hinted at by leaks over the past few months before launch. The Water-type Pokemon's video captured the imagination of fans as they wanted to see what other well-known Pocket Monster would have similarly divergent species in-game.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are now available worldwide. Players can pick up a Flying Tera-Type Pikachu through Mystery Gifts until February 28, 2023.

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