What Is Vili Fualaau Doing Now? Who Is His New Wife After Mary Kay Letourneau?

May 2024 · 9 minute read

Vili Fualaau became well-known because of his strange relationship with his teacher-turned-wife Mary Kay Letourneau, who died in July 2020 after nine months of secret treatment for stage 4 colon cancer.

When it came out that Letourneau, a teacher and mother of four at the time, was having an abusive sexual relationship with Fualaau, a 12-year-old sixth-grader, the whole world took notice.

Here is what we know about where Vili is and the strange relationship he has.

What Is Vili Fualaau Doing Now?

Fualaau went on the Dr. Oz Show in 2020 to talk about his relationship with his ex-wife. Dr. Oz asked Fualaau what he would do if he found himself attracted to a minor. In response, Fualaau said he would probably get help.

Vili also said that he fell in love with someone who was more than 20 years older than him, which surprised him.

A source who spoke to People said that the divorce made Fualaau feel better about his relationship. “Now that he knows what happened, he realizes that this was never a healthy relationship.”

Fualaau was held in 2021 because he had been drinking and driving. The New York Post says that he was caught in Seattle at 4 a.m. after almost hitting a police car. After he passed a test to see if he was drunk, he was taken to the county jail.

After his divorce from Mary Kay Letourneau, Vili Fualaau found a new wife

Online users are interested in what people think about Vili’s new wife and their relationship. Even though Vili is now single, he will date again. This is because the breakup gave him new ideas about his relationship.

According to court records in King County, Washington, Fualaau, who was 38 at the time, asked for a divorce from his ex-wife, who was 58 and used to teach sixth grade.

After Letourneau finished her seven-year prison sentence for molesting a child because of her relationship with Fualaau, she and Fualaau got married in Washington state in May 2005.

When she found out she was going to have their first child, the news spread about them. When he was 13, she was 34, married, and had four kids.

Letourneau made a deal to plead guilty to two counts of second-degree child molestation in 1997. She gave birth to their second child while she was in jail.

Then, on July 6, 2020, she died after a six-month battle with colon cancer.

How did Vili’s face get scarred?

The internet is interested in the scar that goes from Vili’s mouth. But it doesn’t look like a birthmark because the mark isn’t visible in pictures of him when he was a teenager.

Fualaau, on the other hand, made it clear that the scandal may have left him with psychological wounds that will never fully heal.

Fualaau has had problems with depression and drinking, and he says he can’t believe he’s still alive. “I went through a very difficult time.”

He said that having to deal with the fallout from getting his teacher pregnant, which got national attention, was a “major change” for the worse because he didn’t feel like he had the right support system.

Fualaau added, “It was just weird, and I don’t think the counselors knew how to handle it.” I asked myself, “Why do I need to take an antidepressant?”

“Over the years, it just got on my nerves, even though they said it was done to bring you down to their level so they could talk to you.”

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His daughters Audrey and Georgia are not with him

Audrey Lokelani Fualaau is 25 years old when he talks about her. She posts cute pictures of her family and her 23-year-old sister, Georgia, on her social media accounts and generally lives her life.

Also, Audrey and Georgia did an interview for TV in which they talked about how normal their lives were.

Audrey’s supporters don’t seem to care about the history of her family, and she seems to get along with her two older sisters from Mary Kay’s first marriage.

Even though their father didn’t talk about it in the news, the adultery scandal was another thing that made Vili and Mary Kay’s relationship uncomfortable. In the end, cheating scandals today are not quite as scary as they used to be.

Who Is Vili Fualaau?

Mary Kay Letourneau, a married teacher, took Vili Fualaau under her wing and helped him with his art. During the summer after he finished sixth grade, Fualaau turned 13. Soon after that, he had a sexual relationship with Letourneau. She went to prison when she found out she was pregnant with Fualaau’s child. When she got out, they got married and now have two children. They split up.

Early Years

Soona and Luaiva Fualaau gave birth to their fourth child on June 26, 1983. Fualaau met Letourneau for the first time when he was in the second grade. Later, when he was in sixth grade at Shorewood Elementary School in Burien, Washington, she was his teacher. Letourneau was a popular teacher and the wife and mother of four children. At first, she took Fualaau under her wing and helped him develop his artistic skills. He spent time at her house, and her oldest child, Steve, who was only a year younger than him, became friends with him.

Fualaau has said in some interviews that he was the one who wanted to turn their friendship into a relationship. He thought about what he could do to win her over. He told the TV news show Dateline, “I remember I used to plan the next day, like, ‘What I was going to do, what I was going to say, what I was going to like, and what surprise I was going to leave on her desk.'” Letourneau said that she thought of him more as an adult than as a young teen.

Involvement With Letourneau

Fualaau turned 13 during the summer after he finished sixth grade. Soon after that, he had a sexual relationship with Letourneau. Fualaau and Letourneau both wanted to keep their relationship a secret. However, Letourneau later said she did not know that her relationship with the minor was considered rape by the law. Once, the police did see them together in her van, which was parked overnight at a local marina. They asked Fualaau and Letourneau questions, but both of them said they had done nothing wrong. Fualaau’s mother told the police that it was okay for her son to be there with her.

Being a father at 14

In 1997, Fualaau’s child was born to Letourneau, who was then pregnant. Her husband found out that she was seeing Fualaau, and one of his relatives told the police. Letourneau was then arrested on charges of statutory rape. In May of that year, she gave birth to their daughter Audrey. Fualaau became a father for the first time at age 14. The child was given temporarily to Fualaau’s mother.

At first, Fualaau didn’t tell anyone who he was during the case against Letourneau. He still talked to the press, telling KIRO in Washington that Letourneau’s pregnancy wasn’t a mistake. “We had an idea. He told a reporter, “The only way to keep us together was to have a baby, so that the baby would remind me of her.” After that, the family sued the station for breaking their privacy.

Letourneau is going to jail

Letourneau later admitted to two counts of raping a child and was given a prison sentence of between six months and seven years. Even though the court told Letourneau to stay away from Fualaau after six months in a sex offender treatment program, he didn’t listen. Police soon caught them together in her car, and Letourneau went back to jail in 1998 to finish out the rest of her sentence. During the short time they were together, Letourneau got pregnant with the couple’s second child. During Letourneau’s time in prison, the couple’s daughter Georgia was born. Fualaau’s mother helped take care of the couple’s newest child once again.

In the same year, Fualaau made his story public by selling it to TV and news stations. In the book Only One Crime, Love, which was published in France in 1999, he and Letourneau tried to explain their strange relationship. Fualaau struggled with the case’s fame when he was going through a hard time. He got drunk a lot for a while and stopped going to school.

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Fualaau and his family took the school district and the police to court in 2002 for not stopping the relationship. He said that his relationship with Letourneau had hurt him emotionally and that he was no longer in love with the mother of his children. It looks like the jury didn’t believe him, because they sided with the defendants.

Marriage Life

When Letourneau got out of prison in 2004, Fualaau, who was 21 at the time, got the restraining order against him lifted right away. He soon asked Letourneau to marry him. The wedding took place at a winery in Woodinville, Washington, in May 2005. They sold a video of their wedding to the media.

Fualaau and Letourneau eventually got back together with their kids, and they set up a home in a suburb of Seattle, Washington. He has been a DJ for the past few years, and in 2009, he and his wife put on a series of “Hot for Teacher” nights at a local club.

In 2015, Fualaau and Letourneau celebrated 10 years of marriage. Well-known interviewer Barbara Walters spoke with the couple on an episode of 20/20. In the two-hour documentary Mary Kay Letourneau: Autobiography, which aired at the end of May 2018, Letourneau talked more about their relationship.

Legal Separation

Fualaau and Letourneau legally split up in May 2017, but he allegedly told Radar Online in an interview that it was a financial decision made by the couple because he wanted to start a marijuana business.

He told the magazine about the separation filing, “It’s not always what you think.” “When you want a license, they check your background and the background of the other person. If I want to join, I have to get a license and be checked out, and so does my spouse. She has history. She has a story to tell.”

But in August 2017, Fualaau said through his lawyer that he had never talked to Radar and that he was going ahead with the divorce, even though Letourneau wanted to get back together, as court documents showed.

In February 2018, Fualaau was arrested for driving drunk. He had hit two cars in Burian, Washington, before he was caught. He was reportedly lost and slurring his words when the police showed up. Reports say that Letourneau showed up at the scene of the accident and told Fualaau not to take a test of his or her sobriety without a lawyer present.
