Bells announce the coming or arrival of an event, activity, or occasion. Bells are rung to announce the union of a man and a woman. They are rung during Christmas to announce the arrival of the season, to proclaim the birth of Christ. Ringing of bells can be traced back to pagan winter celebrations.Click to see full answer. Simply so, what do bells symbolize?Bells have a deep symbolic meaning that is associated with the mind and the expansion of consciousness. Bells are also associated with clocks, indicating the hour by ringing. Bells symbolize beginnings and endings. Bells are rung at weddings, funerals and to kick off boxing rounds on the Jerry Springer show.Beside above, what do Christmas lights symbolize? Symbol of the light of Christ: In Christian tradition, candles are a symbol for Jesus and the light he brings to earth even in the darkest times. Symbol of the light, hope and good in the world: The Christmas lights also served to remind good Christians to provide light to others. Also Know, what are Christmas bells called? Sleigh bells or jingles bells are a type of bell that produces a distinctive jingle sound. They are in the percussion family of instruments.What do Christmas decorations represent? Christmas decorations and their meaning The bells attached to the branches of the Christmas tree represent the Joy of this day, but also Jesus as the High Priest. Jewish priests used to wear a blue robe under the ephod, and golden bells were attached to the hem of this robe.