Petition to create Inquisitor Ghost skin receives more than 13,000 signatures post TikTok live trage

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Call of Duty cosplayer Inquisitor Ghost’s death left several netizens flabbergasted. The content creator took his life on October 9 on TikTok Live after facing grooming allegations of allegedly messaging an underage girl. Now, ardent supporters have created a petition that hopes to honor his legacy.

Trigger Warning: The following article contains information related to suicide. Reader's discretion is advised.

For those unversed, Inquisitor Ghost or Inquisitore3 was a popular TikTok cosplayer who had amassed over 100,000 followers on the video-sharing platform. He was best known for creating his own rendition of Ghost from the Call Of Duty Modern Warfare video game. In September, he faced grooming allegations which his supporters believed were false. Sadly, he committed su*cide due to critics viciously bullying him online.

Now, followers have created a Change Org petition in hopes of keeping Inquisitor Ghost’s memory alive.

“It’s time this wish became reality”: Inquisitor Ghost fans create petition for video game skin based on TikToker

The petition was created by Inquisitor SKIN – Chonkicat on October 11, in hopes of honoring the Italian influencer. They addressed the same to Activision and the Call Of Duty creators. They revealed that Inquisitore3 would usually mix the Simon Ghost Riley character along with Star Wars elements.

They stated in the petition:

“It wasn’t just about cosplaying; it was about embodying the spirit of these characters while creating something unique.”

The petition creator also added:

“Inquisitor had expressed one wish repeatedly in his videos- to be added as a skin into Call of Duty. He even went as far as tagging them in his posts. We believe it’s time this wish became reality.”

For those uninitiated, a video game skin refers to a graphic download that changes the appearance of a character one is playing with.

The petition read:

“This would not only fulfil his dream but also serve as an enduring tribute that recognizes his impact within the gaming community.”

The petition also read that fans believe that the skin would inspire gamers while keeping their “friend’s memory alive”

The petition had set a goal of 15,000 signatures. At the time of writing this article, it had amassed nearly 14,300 signatures.

X user @GhostDotMidi took to the social networking site to reveal that Call Of Duty had acknowledged their request. The netizen shared a screenshot that showed a message from Dex, the social media manager of Call Of Duty. He revealed that Ghost’s parents had submitted a “formal request” to create a skin in honor of the TikToker.

At the time of writing this article, it remains unclear as to whether an official skin will be created. Meanwhile, it was revealed that Inquisitor Ghost's official TikTok account was “banned.” This is likely due to his graphic TikTok Live.

What happened to Inquisitor Ghost?

Last month, Ghost was subjected to grooming allegations after his former 17-year-old editor alleged that the TikToker sent him messages about loving her and wanting to marry her.

Some were quick to believe the allegations. However, it has since been revealed that Ghost’s editor and her boyfriend conspired to bait Ghost and get him canceled online.

TurkishTerminator, another TikToker, also shared online that he believed that Ghost was baited as Ghost must have been unaware of the editor being a minor. The TikToker believed so as Ghost had written in his social media bios that minors were not welcome to DM him.

No official report from law enforcement was shared online. Ghost was reported to be 23 years old at the time of his passing.

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