Jinger Duggar's Social Media Raises Major Red Flags

May 2024 · 1 minute read

Jinger Duggar‘s social media has been under some major fan scrutiny lately.

Ever since she became pregnant with her second daughter, fans noticed that Jinger wasn’t the glowing mom-to-be that she was when she was pregnant with her first. Now, having a difficult pregnancy is nothing new, but documenting it on Instagram without mention of its difficulty is another.

Fans have also been keeping a close eye on Jinger’s husband, Jeremy Vuolo. They’re convinced he hasn’t been around to help as much as Jinger might need, which in turn means she’s been having to take care of the home and both kids all on her own.

And now, fans have noticed that Jinger is starting to shut off from the social media world altogether! They’re calling out some major red flags about what she could be hiding from the world.

jinger duggar jeremy vuolo header

Source: Instagram, @jingervuolo
