Everything we know so far about new BL drama starring OnlyOneOf members

April 2024 ยท 5 minute read

It was announced in 2022 that the manga, Bump Up Business, will be adapted into a BL web series. Following that, recent news about K-pop idols being cast for the main lead roles has fueled fans' excitement. Given that the plot of the manga revolves around two K-pop idols and their budding love life, it was only natural to cast actual K-pop idols in the series, especially since many idols have been cast in BL K-dramas over the years.

For this upcoming BL K-drama, fans were over the moon when it was announced that the OnlyOneOf members, Nine and Mill, be starring as the main leads, while the other members take up supporting roles. With the group themselves having several LGBTQ+ in their album concepts and music videos, fans weren't surprised to learn about the cast, and in fact, thought it was a perfect choice.

From plot to release date: All you need to know about the upcoming BL K-drama, Bump Up Business, starring OnlyOneOf members

Bump Up Business was initially produced as a famous BL manga series and was highly praised for its intriguing plot. Following its popularity, in 2022, RK Studios announced that they'll be adapting the manga into a web series, which revived the manga's fandom as they excitedly looked forward to its release.

The plot revolves around a K-pop trainee, Eden, who's all set for his debut. When he encounters his sunbae (senior) Jihoon, a famous K-pop idol under the same agency, he desires to become more popular than Jihoon. However, when Jihoon gets tangled up in a scandal that almost costs him his long-built reputation, his agency decides to find a fixture through Eden.

The agency asks Eden to put up a BGP (Business Gay Performance) with Jihoon in order to garner more positive attention towards the latter. While Eden tries his best to avoid the same, he finds no way out because the agency says that he can only debut if he agrees to the BGP. As the two kickstart their BGP, Eden also makes his debut in a band called Bok.

While the two's performance on stage sees no problems, they often fight and bicker off-stage. However, as they spend more time with each other, they grow closer and sparks of love fly between the two.

But their fates are once again challenged when another two famous K-pop idols, Hyunbin and Jay, enter the picture, making things all the more complicated. As the manga, Bump Up Business, progresses, the complexity of events tests the connection that Eden and Jihoo share.

OnlyOneOf is a six-member Korean Boy band that debuted under 8D Entertainment in 2019 with their mini-album, Dot Point Jump. The members are namely KB, Rie, Yoojung, Nine, Mill, and Junji. The main characters of Bump Up Business, Eden and Jihoon, are played by the OnlyOneOf members Nine and Mill. However, the other four members are also cast in the series as supporting characters.

Given that the entire group will participate in Bump Up Business, it makes it all the more exciting news for the fans. Additionally, with the group already bagging experience in the BL genre, such as Rie's Because MV, fans are confident that the show will be worth the watch.

Bump Up Business will initially be premiered in Japan on September 15, 2023. However, the worldwide release isn't scheduled but is expected to be somewhere in October. With the amazing chemistry and experience that the group has showcased with the genre, fans can hardly wait for the show's official release.

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