Eva Amurri has found divorcing-while-pregnant extremely stressful

June 2024 · 6 minute read
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Here we are in the twilight of 2019. This year changed me in so many ways. It put me through the ringer, tested the edges of my strength and my patience, knocked the wind out of me, hung me out to dry. But it also taught me who I am, what I’m capable of, what I want in this precious life, and what truly matters. I’ve never been more relieved to see a year go. But I also want to say thank you to the lessons and the love, the good and bad, the pain and joys. No feeling is forever. Arms outstretched, eyes bright, palms open and ready to receive: I’m here for you, 2020, LET’S DANCE. 🖤👑📷: @juliadags

A post shared by HAPPILY EVA AFTER (@thehappilyeva) on Dec 31, 2019 at 12:13pm PST

In November, we learned that Eva Amurri and Kyle Martino had separated and would likely get a divorce. That alone was notable, because Eva is a mommy/lifestyle-blogger who has presented a very glossy image of her family for years. The split was even more notable because Eva is currently pregnant with their third child. I still believe that a dude has to do something really screwed up to get his wife to break up with him during her pregnancy. As of yet, we do not know what happened. We do know that Eva has tried to make the separation as glossy and inspo as her marriage though. But now Eva is discussing how the past few months have been really difficult and stressful:

Eva Amurri Martino is getting candid about some big challenges in her life at the moment. The actress, blogger and third-time mom-to-be opened up on her Instagram Story Monday to give her followers “a little life update,” starting by saying she had largely been absent from Instagram lately partly because she has been “trying to take some time off and spend some time with my kids.”

“The other reason is this is an extremely stressful time for me. [Husband Kyle Martino and I] are in the last mile of our divorce process and so we are doing a lot of the logistical-nightmare aspects of it,” said Amurri Martino, 34. “So we’ve been spending all day today changing all the utilities into my name and putting them on new payments and all that kinda stuff, which is never fun. It’s basically like moving all over again… And I’ve had to tell about 20 people today that I’m getting divorced, which is not something that’s so fun to tell a stranger over and over again,” she added. “So I’m definitely in the real-life hard part of that.”

“On top of that. I just found out that I actually failed my first screener for gestational diabetes, so that was a big shock to me. I passed this first one-hour one with both of my other pregnancies, so now I’m taking the three-hour test tomorrow and I’m more shaken up about it than I expected to be,” Amurri Martino explained. “I’m feeling so overwhelmed that the idea of dealing with gestational diabetes on top of everything else is really putting me over the edge.”

“But I do know a lot of people, personally, who didn’t pass the one-hour but did past the three-hour. So I’m trying to just not worry or be overwhelmed until I have to. So I’ll be sitting in the doctor’s office for, like, three and a half hours tomorrow morning,” she continued, laughing as she finished with a jovial, “Happy New Year!” On Tuesday, Amurri Martino shared photos and video from the doctor’s office on her Story, giving a short tour of the space she was occupying for the time being and telling her followers, “Well, so far so good. They gave me a private room to relax in.”

[From People]

I really do feel bad for her now. The stress of pregnancy – and possible complications – is huge enough, then add all of the stress of divorce, the separation of finances, homes and lives, the emotional toll of all of that. Poor Eva. What in the world did Kyle do? It must have been really big. Also, I get the feeling that we have some commenters who actually follow Eva’s comings and goings and I have a question: is there a reason why she’s not acting anymore? She hasn’t acted in anything in years. Is her sole source of income just her mommy-lifestyle blogging?

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This photo was our family holiday card the year Major was born. I look at this photo and it reminds me how easy it is to hide being mentally unwell- and how important it is to really check in with the people around you. The truth was, this photo was taken during the peak of my mental health struggles. My son had endured a skull fracture and brain bleed (and subsequent hospital stay) at five weeks old that triggered a six month long battle with PTSD, PPD and PPA for me. And it was all a secret, except for my closest circle. The depths to which it effected me were secret even to the people closest to me. I experienced extremely dark intrusive thoughts daily, and lived in fight or flight, with zero appetite, for months at a time. At the peak of all of it, I shared with my husband that our children deserved somebody better than me…that their lives would be so much better if they didn’t have me as their mom. To this day, I’m so thankful I shared those words with him that day, since they gave him the fear and clarity he needed to get me in to treatment. I’m so grateful to be in a much better place today, but it didn’t happen by luck or chance. It happened because I asked for and accepted help, and I’ve worked hard every day since for almost two years. I still have ups and downs. But I know now that my value as a mom and as a woman is greater than my worst day. This whole story is on the blog if you want more details. But I feel compelled to share today on #mentalhealthawarenessday in case anybody needs a little extra encouragement to seek the help they need ❤️ #HappilyEvaAfter #HonestMotherhood #BreakTheStigma

A post shared by HAPPILY EVA AFTER (@thehappilyeva) on Oct 10, 2019 at 2:26pm PDT

Photos courtesy of Instagram.
