Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi? When Manchester United legend Roy Keane picked his favourite betw

April 2024 · 4 minute read

In a 2021 interview with Sky Sports, Manchester United legend Roy Keane picked Al-Nassr superstar Cristiano Ronaldo as the better player than Lionel Messi of Paris Saint-Germain (PSG).

While fans often debate about who between the two superstars is the better player, Keane had no hesitation in picking his former teammate. The Irishman said (SportBIBLE):

"Ronaldo. Every day of the week. I think there has been a great debate about him (Ronaldo) and Messi, but over the last six months, I think he's on a new level -- Ronaldo's out there on his own."

Keane added:

"It's not natural ability, as brilliant as he is, it's sheer hard work. He's got a lot of courage; he's brave, and the guy is a genius. I think his form over the last few months I'd have him above Messi."

Ronaldo used to ply his trade for Juventus when Keane made those comments. Messi, meanwhile, had just joined PSG from Barcelona.

Former Manchester United superstar Wayne Rooney named Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi's successor

Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi have dominated world football for a long time. Ronaldo, though, is 38, while Messi is approaching 36, so their time at the top is coming to an end.

It will be tough for anybody to replicate what the two best players of the modern era have achieved in the beautiful game. Wayne Rooney, though, reckons Manchester City striker Erling Haaland is one who could carry the baton. He wrote in his column for The Times:

“Erling Haaland is the best footballer in the world right now. Lionel Messi is the greatest but, at this moment, nobody is playing better than a striker who — even though I broke records in that position myself — takes my breath away with the levels he’s reaching. He’s the best in the world because of the numbers he’s posting, the performances he’s putting in and the mentality he shows.”

Since his move to Manchester City from Borussia Dortmund last summer, Haaland has taken English football by storm. The Norwegian has scored 48 goals across competitions and has provided six assists in 42 games.

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