A Serial Celebrity Stalker?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Usually when I read about celebrity stalkers, they are usually swiftly caught, reprimanded and never heard from again. I presume they send the hard core stalkers to rehab facilities to cure them of their obsessive tendencies–everyone’s going to rehab nowadays so why not people who actually need the help?

I came across an article on New Zealand website www.stuff.co.nz about a “stalker” being arrested at Tom Cruise’s home. Ok, I think to myself, just another delusional fan taking their love of their token celebrity a bit too far. It doesn’t end there, though: the lady who was arrested at Cruise’s home, Emily Diane Leatherman, apparently has the same name and age as the stalker John Cusack had arrested last July:

Tom Cruise could be the latest target of a celebrity stalker.

Emily Diane Leatherman, 32, was arrested last Thursday after turning up unannounced at Cruise’s Beverly Hills home.

Leatherman claimed that the Top Gun star’s staff had given her permission to meet him.

John Cusack won a three-year restraining order against a woman with the same name and age last July, accusing her of showing an “unusual interest” in him.

He claimed Leatherman threw love letters, rocks and screwdrivers into his garden.

Cusack also said Leatherman visited his home unannounced.

At the time, Leatherman said she was trying to contact Hollywood stars like Cusack because she wanted to bring attention to the fact she was raped years ago.

The Beverly Hills Police Department has refused to confirm if the person arrested on Thursday was the same woman who targeted Cusack.

Leatherman was arrested at Cruise’s home on suspicion of receiving stolen property and violating a restraining order.

It sounds like Cruise already had a restraining order against her from the last sentence of this article, and if that is so it means she must have been harrassing Cruise for a while for him to feel he needed an order against her. It is not known whether TomKat or baby Suri were at home when Ms. Leatherman was arrested.

The bit I am a puzzled about is the fact that Leatherman has the same name and age as the lady arrested in the Cusack stalking case, but no one wants to acknowledge if the women involved are one in the same. It’s too odd a coincidence for there to be two 32 year-old stalkers named Emily Diane Leatherman “terrorising” male celebs in Hollywood.

If it is the same lady harassing both Cusack and Cruise, it’s obvious the restraining orders are not serving as deterrents to her actions, so some harsher penalty will have to be put in place to control what she is doing. I’m a big fan of Cusack (not a fan of Cruise at all, however), and it would be a shame if her behavior were to spiral out of control and something horrible happened.

I’m going to keep my eye out for an update confirming if indeed there are two Leatherman stalkers, although I think you guys may have come to the same conclusion as me that they are in fact same person.

Header photo from TMZ and Mavrix Photo.
